Reservoir Evaluation/Advanced Computational Technologies

Research Projects/Groups

Reservoir Evaluation/Advanced Computational Technologies

Section Head: Dr. William Ampomah

The REACT group of the PRRC/NMT over the years has conducted active research in the areas of Reservoir Characterization, Reserve Evaluation, Advanced simulation and oil and gas optimization. We have applied our expertise in recent years in on-going federal and industrial projects. You can find more information on the REACT website.

The CarbonSAFE Phase III project is performing a comprehensive commercial-scale site characterization of a storage complex located in northwest New Mexico to accelerate the deployment of integrated carbon capture and storage technology at the San Juan Generating Station (SJGS), a nearby 847 megawatt coal-fired electricity generation plant. The project has over 60 scientists and engineers drawn from academic institutions, national laboratories, and industry. At NMT, this project is giving additional opportunities by recruiting over six students and four post-doctoral researchers. You can find more information on the CarbonSAFE website.

The Southwest Regional Partnership on Carbon Sequestration (SWP) is one of PRRC/NMT's long standing federal government projects. The REACT team is mostly responsible for the numerical modeling aspect of the project. We have performed full site characterization for the Farnsworth Field Unit, Texas and developed field scale 3D geological model which has been utilized by over 50 scientists within the SWP community. Currently, six students from the REACT team are contributing to the overall modeling aspect of the SWP project. Several graduated students from the REACT group have contributed to the various tasks of the SWP project. The stress project is a sub-project separated funded by US Department of Energy. This project seeks to predict reliably the subsurface state of stress resulting from CO2 injection. This project has supported two graduate students and has several researchers from New Mexico Tech, Los Alamos National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratories. This project uses data from the SWP. You can find more information on the SWP website.

Petroleum Recovery Research Center 

PRRC 2023 · A Division of New Mexico Tech · NMT